• Bežanijska ulica 3, Zemun
  • (381) 11 30 75 032
  • rezervacije@hotelskala.rs
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Rezervišite sobu u hotelu Skala

Hotel Skala ima 14 ukusno nameštenih soba i dva apartmana, sve sobe imaju direktnu telefonsku liniju, satelitski TV program, mini bar, klima uređaj i bežični internet.

Sobe su jednokrevetne, dvokrevetne i trokrevetne sa francuskim ležajem i dvokrevetne sa još jednim singlom, kupatila sa tuš kabinom, TV sa satelitskim programom i mini bar.

Apartmani sa odvojenim dnevnim boravkom od spavaće sobe, TV sa satelitskim programom, dva odvojena kupatila, dve odvojene telefonske linije, mini bar.

Rezervacije se mogu izvršiti telefonom, formularom, lično.

Vreme odjave: 12 časova. Držanje životinja nije dozvoljeno.

Rezervišite sobu





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Sigurnosno pitanje, molimo odgovorite:"); DEFINE('MATHGUARD_FIELD_ANSWER', md5("hotelskalaa_answer".(date("d")*date("W")*date("W")))); // change this immediatelly to something else. eg. myanswer123 DEFINE('MATHGUARD_FIELD_CODE', md5("hotelskalaa_code".(date("d")*date("W")))); // change this immediatelly to something else. eg. mysecretcodefield /** SETTINGS - you can easily modify these constants **/ class MathGuard { /** you can also modify $output to your needs **/ function produceOutput($prime) { $a = rand() % 10; // generates the random number $b = rand() % 10; // generates the random number $code = MathGuard :: generateCode($a, $b, $prime); // please don't remove the backlink, thank you $output = MATHGUARD_QUESTION . "
\n\n" . MathGuard :: renderExpression($a, $b) . "
"; return $output; } /** function that converts the decimal number to line of 3 random characters * @param $dec decimal number that is being converted to line of 3 random characters * */ function decToBin($dec) { $pattern = "123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRTSTUWXYZ"; //without zero, it was interpreted as an empty space $output = " "; $i = 0; do { if ($dec % 2) { $rand = rand() % 34; $output { 2 - $i } = $pattern { $rand }; } else { $output { 2 - $i } = " "; } $dec = (int) ($dec / 2); $i++; } while ($dec > 0); $output = str_replace(" ", " ", $output); return $output; } /** function that renders a final 3x5 matrix consisting of random characters * @param $a random number a that renders to the 3x5 matrix consisting of random characters * @param $b random number b that renders to the 3x5 matrix consisting of random characters * */ function renderExpression($a, $b) { $number = array ( array ( 7, 5, 5, 5, 7 ), array ( 2, 6, 2, 2, 7 ), array ( 7, 1, 7, 4, 7 ), array ( 7, 1, 7, 1, 7 ), array ( 4, 5, 7, 1, 1 ), array ( 7, 4, 7, 1, 7 ), array ( 7, 4, 7, 5, 7 ), array ( 7, 1, 1, 1, 1 ), array ( 7, 5, 7, 5, 7 ), array ( 7, 5, 7, 1, 7 ) ); $plus = array ( 0, 2, 7, 2, 0 ); $eq = array ( 0, 7, 0, 7, 0 ); $output = "\n\n"; for ($line = 0; $line < 5; $line++) { $output .= MathGuard :: decToBin($number[$a][$line]) . "   " . MathGuard :: decToBin($plus[$line]) . "   " . MathGuard :: decToBin($number[$b][$line]) . "   " . MathGuard :: decToBin($eq[$line]) . "\n"; $output = str_replace("0", " ", $output); } return nl2br($output); } /** A main hashing function: concat of user's answer, hour and the additional prime number (default 37) */ function encode($input, $prime) { return md5($input . date("H-d") . $prime); } /** This function generates the hash code from the two numbers * @param $a first number * @param $b second sumber * @param $prime additional number to encode with * */ function generateCode($a, $b, $prime) { $code = MathGuard :: encode($a + $b, $prime); return $code; } /** This function checks whether the answer and generated security code match * @param $mathguard_answer answer the user has entered * @param $mathguard_code hashcode the mathguard has generated */ function checkResult($mathguard_answer, $mathguard_code, $prime = 37) { $mathguard_code = @$_POST[MATHGUARD_FIELD_CODE]; $mathguard_answer = @$_POST[MATHGUARD_FIELD_ANSWER]; // echo("prime; $prime, $mathguard_answer"); $result_encoded = MathGuard :: encode($mathguard_answer, $prime); if ($result_encoded == $mathguard_code) return true; else return false; } /** this function inserts the two math term into your form, the parameter is optional */ function insertQuestion($prime = 37) { //default prime is 37, you can change it when specifying the different parameter $output = MathGuard :: produceOutput($prime); echo $output; } /** this function returns math expression into your form, the parameter is optional * quite simmilar to insertQuestion, but returns the output as a text instead of echoing */ function returnQuestion($prime = 37) { //default prime is 37, you can change it when specifying the different parameter $output = MathGuard :: produceOutput($prime); return $output; } } ?>